Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce

Heloo bloggers, still relation with previous article about E-Business & E-Commerce. this topic about
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce. Lets Start.

Here are the benefits of EC:

  1. Easy to start and manage a business, because with e-commerce businesses or entrepreneurs can start their business by accessing an e-commerce site in various internet services, and to process it could be anywhere.
  2. Customers can easily select products from different providers without physically moving, so users simply by accessing the website of the store can look around what will be bought.
  3. More outreach to customers, there is no theoretical geographic boundaries. That is for customers who visit on an e-commerce is no different although the meaning of his visit a place, a region, or even country. And the information is more easily spread, especially with social media sites.
  4. Sharing information, Comfort, and Control Market eletronic improve information sharing between merchants and customers and promote fast, just-in-time delivery. Convenience for consumers is a key driver for change in various industries. Customers and merchants save money, which is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, congested traffic, no crowds, and no need to carry heavy shopping bags.
  5. Cooperation, E-mail is one example of how people collaborate to exchange information and work on solutions.

Here are the limitations of EC:
  1. lack of safety standards that can be universally accepted.
  2. Inadequate telecommunications bandwidth.
  3. The high cost to access the web in some less developed countries. 
  4. Perception under EC unsafe.
  5. The existence of unresolved legal issues.
  6. Lack of buyers and sellers.
Here are The weakness of E-Commerce:
  1. The issue of security
  2. Piracy credit cards, stock exchange fraud, banking fraud, intellectual property rights, illegal access to information systems (hacking) the destruction of the web site to the theft of data.
  3. Incompatibility type and quality of the goods promised, Inaccuracy time delivery
  4. No cash payment..
  5. The issue of culture, which most people are not satisfied when not looking directly at the goods to be bought.

So While there are many shortcomings in the E-Commerce but business opportunities that exist in this era is still very large because existing development in the community.

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