Hello guys, still talk about E-Commerce, this time i will continue write about Type of E-Commerce from previous article , check this out.
Business-to-Business (B2B) Electronic Commerce
B2B system as a kind of e-commerce where the business actors do not involve customers, but among companies. The definition is as follows: "transactions between businesses in this case the company is done electronically via the Internet, intranet or private network
In general, there are 4 types of business models in B2B e-commerce, namely B2B sell-side, buy-side B2B, electronis exchange, and collaborative commerce,
- Sell-Side Marketplaces
Sell-side models marketplaces is a model where the organization sells goods or services to other organizations electronically, via the e-market place personally or through third-party websites. Sellers such as Dell Computer (www.dellauction.com), using extensively auction.
- Buy-Side Marketplaces
Model of buy-side marketplaces is a model where the organization intends to purchase such goods or services needs to other organizations electronically. The method used in the purchase of goods and services in this model is referring to a reverse auction. Purchase by using electronic support, also known as e-procurement.
- Electronic Exchanges
There are three (3) types of public exchanges, namely: vertical, horizontal and functional. Exchange vertically, connecting buyers and sellers in the same industry. For example, www.plasticsnet.com for plastic industry, www.papersite.com for the paper industry, etc. While the horizontal exchange, connecting buyers and sellers across a range of industries, and materials used for MRO (maintenance, repars & operations). Functional exchange occurs when, services are exchanged. For example, an organization in need of extra office space or temporary assistance, for example employease (www.employease.com).
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