6 level of Knowledge Made in The Cognitive Domain

In the Information System, Knowledge Management is needed to improve the knowledge of the company itself. Here 6 level of knowledge that :

  1. Know. Know interpreted as considering a material that has been studied previously. This level of knowledge is given back to the specifics of all the materials studied or stimuli that have been received. Therefore, this is the lowest level of knowledge.
  2. Comprehention. Understanding is defined as an ability to explain properly about the objects that are known and can correctly interpret the material, a knowledgeable person to the object or the material must be able to explain, to mention an example, infer, predict, and so on to the object being studied.
  3. Application. The application is defined as the ability to use a material that has been studied in the actual situation or condition. This application can be defined as the application or use of the laws, the formula methods, principles and so on in other contexts or situations.
  4. Analysis. Is the ability to describe the material or an object into components but still within an organizational structure and still has something to do with each other. The ability of this analysis can be seen from the use of the verb can describe, differentiate, and as sebagainya.Analisis mengkelompokkan is the ability to identify, separate, and so on
  5. Syntesis. Is an ability to put or combine parts in an overall shape, the new synthesis in other words is the ability to compose a new lineup of existing information can be compiled for example, can use, can summarize, can adjust to a theory or existing formula.
  6. Evaluation. This evaluation relates to the ability to justify or assessment of a material or object. The assessment was based on a self-determined criteria or use the existing criteria
If you don't know what is Knowledge Management, you can read previous article Introduction to Knowledge Management.

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