After hacked, Sony Cooperate FBI Train Employees

Group companies Sony got a barrage of hackers. Its leader was immediately provide an internal memo to employees in fortify themselves.

Sony CEO Michael Lynton send an internal note to all staff of the company. Internal memo is intended to allow the employees do not feel worried about the security of their personal data.

As is known, after Sony Pictures and Sony Studio, hackers managed to break into the Sony Playstation. The personal information of employees of Sony were widespread, including home address, the amount of salary and number of their identity.

Lynton ensure the company has been cooperating with the FBI to investigate this global issue. In fact, the company has hired a leading IT staff to check the security of their networks.

"To convince them, we will bring the FBI visit to Study Culver City Sony this week also. They will teach our workers so aware of cyber security," said Lynton, as quoted by Business Insider, Tuesday, December 9th, 2014.

Monday, December 8th, 2014, yesterday a group of hackers called the Guardians of Peace, posted a message in the virtual world. They claimed responsibility for hacking the Sony Playstation action. They requested that Sony has not issued their latest film entitled The Interview.

The Interview is a comedy about two journalists who were recruited CIA to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Because of the film, the North Korean government consider it a terrorist action plan that will lead to war. They express this in a letter to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, last June.

The film will reportedly be released on 25 December. Ahead of the launch, Sony also get terrible cyber attacks.
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