Communications Control

Continue the previous article about the Information Security this time i will write article about Communications Control.

Control of communication, also called network control, secure movement of data between networks. Control of communication consists of firewalls, anti-malware systems, whitelisting and blacklisting, encryption, virtual private network (VPN), secure socket layer (SSL) and employee monitoring system. A firewall is a system that can prevent certain types of information transfer between untrusted networks, such as the Internet and private networks such as enterprise networks. picture a firewall is used for home computers, while picture b is an organization with 2 (two) firewalls and demilitarized zone.

Anti-malware system, also known as antivirus, is a software that can identify and eliminate viruses and worms (known as malware), and other malicious software. 

Whitelisiting is a process undertaken by the company to identify the software is allowed to run on a computer device. Meanwhile, blacklisting contains software that is not allowed to run in a computer software company. 

Encryption is a process to change the original message into a form that can not be read by anyone other than the recipient. The virtue of the encryption system is the use of public-key encryption. Public-key encryption uses two (2) different keys: a public key and a private key.

Virtual Private Networking is a private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to connect with other users. VPNs have several benefits, among other things, allow remote users to access the corporate network. Second, VPNs provide flexibility. Third, organizations can set security policies through VPN

Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Also known by the transport layer security (TLS), an encryption standard used for the security of transactions such as purchases using credit cards and online banking.

Employee Monitoring System. Organizations implementing this system to monitor employee computer, email activity and their browsing activities on the Internet. This product can be useful to identify which employees spend too much time in doing penjalajahan on the Internet for personal reasons, or where the employee most often illegally download music.

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