How Protecting Information Resources

Continue the previous article about Information Security, this time i will write article about Protecting Information Resources.

Table above describes the various kinds of difficulties experienced by organizations in protecting information resources. Seeing these kinds of difficulties, the information security industry to attack back. The company develops software and services that can send an early warning about the various kinds of trouble on the Internet.

Organizations spend time and money to protect information resources. Before doing so, they undergo risk management. Risk is the possibility of a threat will have an impact on information resources. Risk mitigation, an action that made an organization in the face of risk. 

Example risk mitigation strategies:
  • Risk acceptance: accept the potential risks, keep running operations without any control and will absorb the damage occurred
  • Risk Limitation: Minimize risk by implementing controls, thereby reducing the impact of the threat.
  • Risk transference: Transferring risk through compensation for losses (eg purchase insurance)
Happy Reading guys, Correct Me If I'm Wrong..


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