OMG, Computer Networking Sony Pictures hacked Again

Computers in the company of Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has been targeted hacking attacks (hackers). The hackers create computer network in the company to be shut down temporarily.

A skull appears on the computer screen in one room SPE. A message accompanying the emergence of the skull with the threat that they will disseminate confidential data belonging to the SPE if their demands were not met.

Launched by, Wednesday, November 26, 2014, the message shows #GOP posts that indicate a group called the Guardians of Peace. It shows a strong suspicion if the GOP is a group of hackers behind the attack.

"Since this incident we immediately conduct a thorough investigation of the IT problems that we have," said Sony in a statement.

As a result, the technology firm should shut down its computer network in order to prevent the possibility of worse than the hacking action. In fact, they also attempt to resolve the issue. Predicted takes about 1-3 days for the IT experts Sony repair computer network vulnerabilities.

In a picture posted on Reddit forum members, there is a Sony computer display results that have been compromised. Lettering "Warning ... we have warned you, and this is just the beginning ... We have pulled out all your internal data, including confidential corporate data."

Hacking action is the second time on the Sony. Earlier, in August, the action of cyber attacks are also reported to have hit Sony so it must shut down the PlayStation network be offline.

It is said of the network security researcher Euromonitor, Loo Wee Teck, this is a bad precedent for Sony since the company was facing heavy pressure from financial markets due to bad in the mobile business and the TV.

Computer security consulting firm AT Kearney, Naveen Menon, said that if the action of hacking is not new. Almost all major companies like Sony has become the target of hackers every day.
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