Server Farm

Heloo guys...
Based on previous article Hardware, Software & Emerging type of Enterprise Computing i will explain about Server Farm.

Server farms consisting of hundreds or even thousands of network computer servers. Server farm requires electrical power, air conditioning, generator backup, security and money are quite large. Yahoo! and Microsoft to build a server farm in the area of Quincy, Washington. This is done in order to get the flow of cheaper hydro electricity in the region. Google itself, is also building a giant server in the area of Oregon.


Virtualization is a system where the server does not rely on a specific task to perform. Server virtualization uses software-based partitioning to create multiple virtual servers, and is known as a virtual machine in a single physical server. Benefits gained through virtualization are as follows:

  1. Decreasing the number of physical servers that have an impact on saving equipment, energy, space in the data center, cooling, and maintenance personnel.
  2. Increase the "organization's agility", because virtualization can quickly modify the system according to changes in demand.
  3. IT departments can shift its focus from technology to services provided by these technologies.

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