Data Hierarchy

Haloooo guys, still relation about Managing Data. Now this topic about Data Hierarchy.

Data is managed in a hierarchy that begins with bits and processed in the database. Bits (binary digits) represents the smallest unit of data that can be processed by a computer. The term binary has a purpose that can be composed of bits 0 and 1 set of 8 bits is called a byte. Bytes can contain letters, numbers or symbols. Example of Data Hierarchy :

Logical collection of characters into a word, a small group of words, or the identification number is called a field. For example, the name of a student in a university computer files will appear in the field "name", and ID students will appear in the field "ID". Logical collection of inter-related fields, such as for example the name of the student, courses taken, the date and value, called a record. Logical collection of inter-related records, called a file or table.

Next I will article about Database Management System (DBMS)

Happy Reading and stay tine on learn-informationsystem

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