Business Pressures

Dynamic conditions today, providing a challenge for organizations to be able to compete with how to respond to rapid reaction, to the challenges and opportunities that come up. For it was on this section will explain the various kinds of pressures faced by modern organizations, as well as strategies that can be used to respond to these pressures.

Business pressure, the impact of significant changes that occur in a business environment. Divided into 3 (three) business pressures, ie:

  1. Market Pressure. Market pressures caused by the presence of the global economy, the stronger the competition, the changing nature of labor and the strength of the customer. Globalization is an integration and interdependence in the economic, social, cultural and ecological life, through the rapid advances in information technology. Author of the book "The World is Flat", Thomas Friedman explained that the technology has leveled the field for paraorganisasi competition, by making it more "flat". The changing nature of labor. Labor, especially in developing countries, are now experiencing diversity. Increasing the number of women workers, single parents, minorities, and people with disabilities can work in various positions within an organization. Powerful of customers. Level of intelligence and customer expectations have increased, along with the easy they are to get information about the products / services they want to buy. Customers can use the internet to search for detailed information about the products / services, compare prices and buy goods by means of an electronic auction
  2. Technology pressure. There are two main factors that cause stress in the field of technology. The first is technological innovation and obsolescence. The rapid discovery of new technologies and the improvement of technology (technology improvement), can encourage the creation of substitute products, the choice of alternative services and quality improvement. For example, the speed of circulation of the new version of the smartphone. The second factor is redundant information. The amount of information available through the Internet, the average increased by doubling each year, and most of the information is provided free of charge. As a result, the managers as decision makers in an organization, have difficulty in sorting out the required information.
  3. Society / politics / law Pressure. There are several factors that led to a pressure of society / politics / law, the first is social responsibility. Some companies and individuals willing to set aside time and money belonging to them to address various social problems. This effort is known as organizational or individual social responsibility social responsibility. One of the critical problems in the field of information technology known as green IT. The second factor is, adjustments to various government regulations (compliance with government regulations). Governments of various countries, have varying regulations in the areas of health, safety, environmental protection and gender equality. Government regulation of business tend to view such as the imposition of costly expensive. The next factor in the pressure society / politics / law is protection against terrorist attacks (protection against terrorist attacks). Since the events of 9/11 terrorist attacks, the organization improve its protection against possible terrorist attacks. Information technology can help these businesses by providing protection systems and the identification of patterns of behavior that are connected with terrorist activities, one of which is the cyber attacks which will be discussed in the material Ethics, Privacy and Information Security. Latter factor is ethical issues. Ethics related to the general standardization of right and wrong in the practice of information processing. Ethical issues is essential for dealing with the image of an organization. The use of information technology raises a variety of ethical concerns, including e-mail monitoring of employees to protect customer data stored in the private and public databases.
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