Grid and Cloud Computing

Heloo guys...
Based on previous article Hardware, Software & Emerging type of Enterprise Computing i will explain about Grid and Cloud  Computing.

Grid computing combines the processing of resources in geographically unused computer network, resulting in a virtual supercomputer. Grid Computing, focused on solving technical and scientific problems that require computer processing and large amounts of data.

Here are the benefits of Grid Computing for the organization:

  1. .Allows organizations to utilize resources more efficiently.
  2. Allow applications to run faster.
  3. Fault tolerant and redundancy.
  4. Makes it easy to "scale up" (increasing the number of computers) to meet the demand of processing of complex applications.
  5. Makes it easy to "scale down" (reducing the number of computers) when excessive processing not required.
Cloud Computing

In the Cloud, the task is executed by a computer that is physically shape does not exist. Users access the computer in the cloud via the network, in this case is the internet. A cloud can be done in private and public. Public cloud is managed by an external cloud service providers such as Amazon Web Services, and accessed by the general public via the Internet. The benefits of cloud computing is, can lower infrastructure costs. While the loss of cloud computing involves privacy issues, keamanaan and reliability.

Utility Computing

Utility computing, a service provider that provide computing resources and infrastructure management to customers in need. The service provider will charge a fee to the customer on the specific use that is done and not a "flat rate". Utility computing, known also as the subscription computing and on-demand computing.

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