Introduction to Software

Based on previous article Hardware, Software & Emerging type of Enterprise Computing, I will explain you about Introduction to Software.

Here we gooo..

The software consists of a computer program, which is a series of instructions for the computer. Coding process is called programming. Individuals who carry out the task of coding is called a programmer. There are 2 types of software, ie the system software and application software. System software is the sets of instructions that provide intermediary between the hardware and the application programs. Application software is a set of computer instructions that provide specific functionality for the user.

Relationship Between Application Software, System Software and Hardware

Software problems

Software problems are as follows:

  1. Software defects. Based on the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), the professional programmers perform error of 100 to 150 on the 1000 lines coding Setial they write.
  2. Software licensing. To protect your investment, the software vendor must prevent duplication and distribution of pirated software to individual users as well as to other software companies.
  3. Open the system. The concept of open systems computing refers to a group of products that work together. In an open system, the same operating system and compatible software, installed in all computers that can interact with each other within the organization. Users can buy the best software that is known as the best of breed, to be run by using hardware.
  4. Open source software. Proprietary software is software that is purchased and have limitations in the use, copying and modification. While the open-source software, the source code is freely available for developers and users. Open-source software is distributed with a certain license to ensure the source code is always available.

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