Network Application Part 2

Helooo bloggers, Before you read this article, you must read  Network Application first!! because this is continued from a previous article.

OK, lets begin..


Collaboration refers to the efforts of two or more entities (individuals, groups or organizations), which work together to accomplish a specific task. Work group refers to two or more individuals who do activities together to complete a task. Workflow is the transfer of information, through several stages are summarized in an organizational procedures. If a member of the organization is in a different location, so they can set up a virtual group (team). Virtual Collaboration refers to the use of digital technology that allows organizations and individuals to plan, design, develop, manage and research products to collaborate.

  • Microsoft Sharepoint 
  • Google Docs 
  • IBM 
  • Lotus Quickr Jive

E-Elearning & Distance Learning.

E-learning refers to the learning support using the web. Can be done in the classroom, with the aim of supporting the conventional classroom, or in a virtual classroom. Distance learning (DL) refers to the situation where the teachers teaching and his students do not meet face-to-face.

Virtual Universities.

Virtual universities is an online university where his students learn from home or from an off-site location, through the internet. Some universities offer online education.


Group of several "highly prized worker", who can work anywhere and anytime, called telecommuting. They do not have a permanent office, and you select to work in the "home office", airport lounge, or conference room

  • For employees, can reduce the stress of work and add "quality time" with family members. Telecommuting also offers jobs for "single parent" and the man who has limitations.
  • For the organization, can improve productivity, and the ability to withstand the workers with the skills and ability to attract employees who live in a place away from the office.
The disadvantage of this telecommuting are:

  • For employees, can increase feelings of isolation, is likely to lose some of the benefits, lower wages, no workplace visibility, inhibition of promotion, and lack of socialization.
  • For the company, the difficulty to supervise the work and difficulty in handling data security
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