Introduction to Knowledge Management

The term Knowledge Management (KM) first appeared in the business world. Ikujiro Nonaka with his book The Knowledge-Creating Company tells how success story of Matsushita Electric experiencing difficulties when developing a bread making machine in 1985. They have always failed in the experiments conducted. The outer skin charred bread while it is still raw, volume and temperature settings are not formulated, is a daily sight of the experiments conducted. Then a software developer named Matsushita Electric Ikuko Tanaka, who eventually had the bright idea to go directly to the apprentice baker famous Osaka International Hotel.

Ikuko Tanaka tutored by the renowned bread maker is to learn how to develop the dough and other special techniques. Completed apprenticeship, he presented the whole experience gets to engineer Matsushita Electric which then translates to the addition of a special section and perform other repairs on the machine. Experiments conducted a successful end. And the bread making machine products finally broke sales records largest kitchen fittings in the first year of marketing. Legend KM certainly can not be separated from Ikujiro Nonaka made famous formulation or as SECI Spiral Knowledge.

Knowledge is the result of human senses or the results of one's knowledge of the object through its senses (eyes, nose, ears and etc). By itself, the sensing time to generate such knowledge is strongly influenced by the intensity of attention and perception of the object. Most of one's knowledge gained through the senses of hearing and sight. One's knowledge of the object has a different intensity.
Human knowledge ranging from humans to know the information, then the information obtained subsequently forwarded to others through communication. Communication takes place between man and man, be it communication, directly or indirectly. Then, the knowledge and information that move dynamically through an organization in a variety of ways, depending on how the organization looked at. If we look at the current situation, where the thing that is certain is uncertainty, then there is one thing for sure that will be the main source organization to obtain long-term success and to remain competitive, it is knowledge. Knowledge of the organization's intellectual capital that can be differentiated by the type of knowledge that is owned by someone.


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4 September 2017 at 12:59 ×

Hi,Stephani Marpaung this knowledge management is very good in elearning activities. We have learnt a lot of useful things related to this, which we didn’t know before this. It is not beneficial for only employees as its good for employers who can learn many things form this.

Congrats bro Michael you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...
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