Database Management System

Haloooo guys, still relation about Managing Data. Now this topic about Database Management System

Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of programs that provide tools for users to be able to add, remove, access , modify and analyze data stored in one place. Because, database and DBMS is very important for every functional area in business, it should be administered with caution.

  • Relational Database Model

Relational Database model is established based on the concept of two-dimensional tables. A relational database consists of records and attributes. Tables are interrelated, can be combined into one if it has the same column.

  • Query Language

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most popular query language used. SQL allows one to perform complex searches using commands or simple keywords. Commands that are widely used SELECT (to specify the desired attributes), FROM (to specify tables used).

  • Data Dictionary

While the relational model is created, the data dictionary serves as a format provider to insert data into the database. The data dictionary provides information for each attribute, for example, the type of data (alphanumeric, numeric, dates, etc.).

  • Normalization

Normalization is a method to reduce the number of relational databases to avoid redundancy and improve data integrity. At the time the data were normalized, then the attributes in the table depends only on the primary key.

Next I will write about "Data Warehouse dan Data Marts", Stay tune on Learn-InformationSystem

Happy Reading...
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