Knowledge Management

previous article Data Warehouse, I said will discuss Knowledge Management, this is the outline of knowledge management

Knowledge Management (KM) is a process that can help organizations to manipulate the essential knowledge, and become part of the organizational memory, and typically unstructured format. Knowledge itself is information that has been processed in a contextual, relevant and useful. It can be said also that knowledge is information that has been subjected to the action. There are two (2) types of knowledge, namely tacit and explicit. Explicit knowledge is knowledge that has been documented in a form and can be distributed to others, and can be transformed into a process or strategy. While tacit knowledge is knowledge that is unstructured and difficult to be formalized or codified.
  • Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Knowledge Management System (KMS) is the use of modern technology -internet, intranets, extranets, databases - to arrange, add, accelerate the management of knowledge within an enterprise.

Examples of knowledge management cycle

next time I will focus on Knowledge Management

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