Deliberate Threats to Information System

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Deliberate threats an intentional threat. There are various types of deliberate threats, which are as follows:

  • Espionage or trespass, which occurs when unauthorized individuals trying to gain illegal access to information an organization.
  • Information extortion, occurs when the attacker that the conditions threatened to commit theft or have their own intention to commit theft of information within an organization.
  • Sabotage or Vandalism, an intentional act that involves the destruction of an organization's website, and the impact on the damage to the image of the organization so that they may lose the trust of customers.
  • Theft of equipment or information. Computers and storage devices to experience a reduction in size and increase in strength (eg, laptops, blackberries, PDAs, smartphones, digital cameras and other). This resulted, the device is easy to be stolen. Table 4, explained that human error caused due to too frivolous (carelesness), may result in an electronic device stolen / lost. The cost of loss of electronic devices, such as laptops, includes loss of data, loss of intellectual property, new laptop replacement, lost productivity, and so forth.
  • Compromises to Intellectual Property. Intellectual property is a property that is created by a variety of individuals and companies are protected by trade secret, patent and copyright laws. by a variety of individuals and companies are protected by trade secret, patent and copyright laws.
  • Software Attack. Software attack is growing from year to year in the era of computerization, when attackers using malicious software to infect as many computers worldwide. 
Various types of software attacks.

  • Alien Software. A hidden software installed on your computer through a variety of methods. Although not as bad as viruses, worms and trojans, but aliens software using the resources in our system, so it can report our web surfing habits and other behavior. The types of aliens software is adware, spyware, spamware and cookies. Adware is software that can cause a pop-up advertisement appears on the screen. Spyware is software that collects personal information about users. Two well-known kind spyware are keystroke loggers and screen scrapers. Spamware, use our computers to run the launch pad that can be used by spammers. Cookies are small amounts of information stored by the website in our computer.
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Attacks. SCADA systems are used to monitor or to control chemical processes, physical and transport as used dipengolahan oil, water and nuclear power plant. SCADA system consists of multiple sensors, a master computer and communications infrastructure.
  • Cyberterrorism and Cyberware refers to malicious actions performed by the attacker to use a computer system especially via the internet, to cause physical disorders or other disorders. This action is usually intended to attack critical infrastructure

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