Introduction E-Business & E-Commerce

Heloo bloggers, Who does not know the e-commerce? e-commerce are excited because they can sell or buy goods just sit in front of the pc / laptop without having to expend the energy to walk or overcrowding. Here is a brief description of the e-commerce and e-business :

Electronic commerce (EC, known as e-commerce), is the process of buying, selling, exchanging products, services or information via computer networks including the Internet. While E-business is a broader concept, covers the purchase, the sale of goods and services, customer service, collaboration with business partners srta run electronic transactions within an organization. Electronic commerce can occur through a variety of forms, this depends on the degree of digitization. Degree of digitization is the degree of digitization of a commerce which is transformed from physical to digital form. This concept can refer to the goods or services sold and shipping agent or intermediary. In other words, the goods may be physical or digital, as well as freight forwarding agents may be physical or digital. In the traditional trade, the two-dimensional physical shape. The second organization is purely physical dimensions (pure physical), named as brick-and-mortar organization. Whereas, if both dimensions in digital form, it is called pure EC. The combination of digital with the physical, called partial EC. Clicks-and-mortar Organizations is an organization that melaukan most e-commerce activities, but runs its business primarily through the physical.

Types of E-Commerce

There are six  types of e-commerce, namely:
  1. Business-to-consumer (B2C). In B2C, the seller and the buyer is an organization of individuals.
  2. Business-to-business (B2B). In B2B transactions, the seller and the buyer is a business organization.
  3. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C). In C2C, individuals sell products or services, to another individual.
  4. Business-to-employee (B2E). In B2E, an organization doing internally EC, to provide information and services to karyawannya.Contohnya, companies allow employees to take training classes electronically. Employees may purchase insurance, travel and ticket package at a discounted price.
  5. E-government. E-government in general use Internet technology and e-commerce to deliver information and public services.
  6. Mobile commerce (m-commerce). M-commernce, referring to the e-commerce conducted on wereless area. For example, by using a mobile phone, the individual can do shopping via online.
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